I'm having an extremely difficult time with the first assignment of the class I'm taking for the third (and hopefully last) time.
Establish your life's mission statement and tailor it to meet the description of your business.
Step one:
To promote the awareness and understanding of the connection between the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of life.
To teach the world about the integration of body, mind, and spirit.
To increase the efficiency and productivity of an accessible population.
To make the world more productive. To eliminate the musculoskeletal hindrances of the working class through therapeutic bodywork and client education. (?)
To empower the masses with education and physical prowess.
I guess I'm having a very tough time trying to get past Step One because I've yet to find exactly what it is that makes up the driving force of my life.
I don't know what my purpose in life is, my reason for being here.
And it's driving me nuts.
Not just because I need to know it so I can finally move on with my Career Development project, but because I've spent 22 years of my life living on this earth without ever knowing what it is I want out of it.
I guess I should calm down, take it slow. Be a little more patient with myself, because what 22-year-old really knows what it is exactly that they want to make of their life?
I know I shouldn't expect too much out of myself, but I can't help placing these nearly-impossible expectations around my neck— it's just who I am.
And also, I really want to move on with this fucking assignment.
So what is it exactly that I want to make out of my life?
What is it exactly that gives me that oomph!, that driving passion that makes me can't help but do something?
What is it exactly that puts a fire under my ass and inspires me to do something great, make my mark on this world?
I have so many wants in my my life, so many tasks I want to cross off my life's To-Do list, but I've yet to run across that one entry that makes my heart leap out of my chest, the one I read and immediately know that's it!
The one thing I know for certain is that I don't want to leave this world without ever having made my mark on it.
I want to make an outstanding impact, make the time I spent on this earth mean something before I leave it.
This is the big picture I see that really inspires me to… what, exactly?
I don't know.
I just don't know.
What can I do to leave that kind of impression on this world?
It feels as if there is this large cloud of enigmatic possibility floating above me, so profound I can't even begin to comprehend its existence, and it is just waiting for me to tap into my highest potential so it can finally break and let loose the greatness I've got stored up inside of me.
And all I can do is feel washed up with regret over the fact that I still haven't figured out a way to reach it, to not even begin to have scratched the surface if it after all this time.
It's left me feeling nothing but frustration.
I feel like banging my head against the wall until I force it out of me, just so I can save myself all that time unsuccessfully trying to figure out who I am and what greatness I can achieve.
To answer why I want to achieve such greatness is easy: because I love praise and adoration that would come of possessing such an accomplishment.
I'm only ever truly happy when I have an audience, someone with whom to bask in the glory of my triumphs, the darkness of my failures, the pride in my success.
Perhaps that is my main purpose in life: to have an audience.
It's what I can honestly say makes me truly happy in life.
But how to tailor it to a massage-oriented business…?