Ahh, then I went home all dejected-like because I was depressed about the gelato and I didn't get my Ringside CD, so I crawled into bed and slept for. like. three hours.
Oh, and before I went inside the house, I decided that it would be nice if I had a cigarette, so I smoked one out on the patio until I realized Papa had been watching me from the glass doors.
Then he's like, You're smoking?! When did you start smoking?! and blah blah angry I-care-about-your-health cakes.
But I was like, Whatever. and trudged upstairs, slamming my door dramatically before locking it, of course.
How cliché. When did I turn into this angry, emotional teenager with issues who stopped talking to everyone and put on this sour face and started hating life and everyone in it?
What an unexpected change from the boy who so very much wanted to be loved.